Sunday, February 6, 2011

In the Garden Original Illustration

This is an illustration that I did for my comic project "Odine" which is on hold until "Legacy" really gets going. I'm really trying to improve my color theory, I was trying to push the depth with this one.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The life of Mr. Fancy-Hat

I am developing a collect of animated story books surround a character named Mr. Fancy-Hat.

“The Wonderful Mr. Fancy-hat” is an idea for a series of shorts set to my favorite pieces of classical music, and narration. The story centers around a magician, Mr. Fancy-hat, and his attempts to win the heart of a girl named Lily. A long the way he picks up a few friends, a mischievous rat named “Ponzetta Di Mousey” a.k.a "Ponzi" and his side kick an enchanted coat rack, "Mr. Sophistico". In addition to trying to court his maiden he must contend with his bitter rival Mr. Bloodstone.

Mr. Fancy-Hat


New Blog

This will be my new blog home, when I get a website Iwill link this blog to it. Thank you all.